Consecration of Crunwere Churchyard – 1937
This refers to the ‘new’ top section north of the gateway west up the slope from the church‘On Tuesday last the Bishop of St Davids consecrated the new churchyard at Crunwere Church. Before the service began every available seat was filled, and after prayers the Rector of Crunwere, Reverend D.Morgan, headed a procession followed by the Lord Bishop, attended by his Chaplain, the two Crunwere Churchwardens, the clergy in their robes, the Sunday School and a large number of parishioners and people from outlying districts who all walked around the new burial ground.
A halt was made while the Bishop performed the sacred rite of consecration. A service followed in the church. At the close of the service all proceeded to the school, where an excellent tea was served by Mrs Morgan, wife of the Rector, assisted by several members of the local branch of the Mothers’ Union.
Everyone felt deeply grateful for the glorious weather which helped to ensure the success of the event, which was probably unique in the annals of Crunwere Parish.’
Narberth Weekly News 14 October 1937.
Crunwere School Records - 4 Oct 1937 - the Rector pointed out that during the following week (Tuesday 12th October), the new extension to the churchyard would be consecrated by the Lord Bishop of St. David’s and that as the school room would be required for tea after the service he asked the Managers to allow a holiday for that day - granted.