Reproduced from Ordnance Survey data by permission of Ordnance Survey c.Crown copyright - winipaedia maps

The Church That Time Forgot!
Not so much find the church - more find the sign!!

The view from the church lane - you have to go throguh the field to get to the church.
Crunwere's porch and cobbled path
Crunwere Church in the frost
The ruins of the Reverend's stable
The church's small carpark
Church's small carpark and yew tree
Sign on A477 opposite Llanteg Garage to direct people up the narrow church lane -
once the main route through the village.
Which will go first I wonder - the lettering off the sign or the church itself?
The top gate into the new churchyard - this was once the main gate into the church when
the doorway was in the base of the tower
Church carpark

Stile in wall into churchyard
Stile in wall - looking west along the wall which goes around the new yard
Church gate
Detail of church tower
Church tower
Stile in wall - looking from inside the yard
Eastern end of carpark
Old gravestone embedded in the South Chancel wall
Windows in base of tower. This was once where the old doorway into the church had been
Sunday School Party at Llanteglos.
I can recognise Margaret Glanville (later Hooper)
Millie Phillips Middleton and Pattie Phillips Sparrowsnest
(Any help with the other people or the vicar welcome)